You may be aware of how important it is to consume a medically suggested amount of calcium to keep your bones and muscles strong and healthy. Calcium is one of the most important minerals that your body requires. Apart from keeping your bones strong, it also helps your heart pump and transmits signals to your nerves for muscle contraction.
If you feel like you have a calcium deficiency in your body, you must pay attention to your diet. A serious calcium deficiency can cause various problems in your body. Taking an online nutrition coaching will help you learn about the ways you can incorporate calcium in your diet and learn more healthy recipes.
Here are the subtle signs of a calcium deficiency
You get muscle cramps very often.
You may have a calcium deficiency if you get muscle cramps often, even when you do not work out for a long time or do any other strenuous activities. Calcium helps with muscle contraction, and a low level of this important mineral automatically means that you will experience more muscle cramps than usual. The pain may be more prominent in your back and legs.
Fatigue is a constant state of tiredness. If you experience sleepiness and feel exhausted easily, even without doing much work, you may be fatigued. Fatigue is often caused when your body is undernourished and does not get its essential minerals in the desired amount.
Your bones are brittle and weak.
Calcium is the most important mineral to make your bones strong. Therefore, one of the most obvious signs that your body is low on calcium is an overall loss of bone health. If you do not consume enough calcium, your body will leach it from your bones and teeth. Therefore, it then causes weakness and brittleness and significantly increases the chances of a fracture and osteoporosis.
Your hair and nails are brittle.
Along with your bones and teeth, you experience the brittleness of your hair and nails. This is because calcium also facilitates the growth of your hair and nails. When your nails start to become thin and brittle, they may easily break, and your hair may become damaged, and it may seem like no amount of care is able to fix that.
Cognitive issues.
Physical symptoms are not the only thing that happens when your body lacks calcium. You may experience a range of cognitive malfunctions, such as brain fog, confusion, and dizziness. There is also evidence, even though little in amount, that calcium deficiency causes mental health issues makeeover.